Postoperative Recommendations What to do after your tooth extraction?

1. Bite a piece of gauze firmly for 10 min. (without chewing) right after surgery. Make 2 more exchanges for the same period.

2. Liquid-pasty, cold or chilled food for 48 h. Avoid eating food in grains or bran until the suture is removed. Give preference to a high calorie diet, for example, mashed potatoes, vitamins (well beaten) danones, finally everything that is liquid and pasty.
Can you imagine the problem I will get if a guava seed, a popcorn or even ground meat enters the "Hole"? (Dental Alveolus)

3. Apply ice to the face, over the operated site, 15 min. every hour for the first 48 h. (protect the skin with Vaseline ointment, cream when overlaying the towel with ice).

4. Keep resting, with your head in a higher plane than the rest of your body for 48 h. (sleep with two pillows). Yes, posture helps a lot!

5. Stay away from intense physical activities and sun exposure for 7 (seven) days. That's right, no academics! for a week.

6. Stay away from heat sources for 48 h. (stove, electric iron, hot bath).

7. Hygiene of the oral cavity:

• Brush your teeth normally.
• At the surgery site, gently brush until the suture is removed.
• Do not rinse for 48 hours. Much less with Plax, Periogard or even Listerine! (These products are good, but nothing convenient for these cases.

8. Don't spit. In these cases, use the Gases again

9. Don't smoke until you are discharged. All to avoid the negative pressure that could displace the clot

10. Do not drink from a straw until the suture is removed. For the same reason as smoking, using a straw can also cause negative pressure and disorganize the clot.

11. Apply Vaseline ointment to the corners of the mouth, 4 to 6 times a day. Many surgeries in the back of the mouth are more difficult and can lead to injuries of the corner of the mouth due to trauma or dryness, it is worth protecting the corner you suffered.

12. In case of bleeding:

• Wash your mouth with cold water, without rinsing.
• Bite pieces of gauze firmly for 10 min and, if necessary, make 2 more changes
• If bleeding persists, get in touch. Smiles DHS - Dentists 24 hs

13. In case of fever (axillary temperature greater than or equal to 37.8o C), contact us through the link:


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